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Fairytale Wedding- County Wedding Magazines

I apologise for the lack of posts recently! With school summer holidays now finished I hope to get back on track with my blog writing. It has been a very busy couple of months with a product shoot for Glitzy Secrets, a shoot for Morden Hall Weddings with PocketfulofDreams and a couple of magazine features! Oh and a fair few orders for summer weddings to complete too! As the final photos from the shoots will be released soon , I wont share the sneak peeks with you (or maybe I will!) so for now I will slowly try to get you up to date with everything that has been going on!

County Wedding Magazines have 17 glossy titles across the UK so I was chuffed to bits to hear that a trio of my blush and ivory paper flowers were going to be in a fairytale feature across all seventeen magazines! I'm waiting (not so patiently) for the Manchester September/October edition to hit WHSmiths but in the meantime here is a pic! I was even happier to see that across the page is the most beautiful powder blue belt and garter set from Sash + Veil whom I just happen to be working on a top-secret collab with. Sssshhhhh....

  07816494111                                                                 Clitheroe, BB7 1AA, United Kingdom

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